Why It’s Time To Put a Price Tag on your Vision Board Workshops


At the start of my entrepreneurial journey, I learned something invaluable. This one mindset switch set my business up for success.

Honestly, I wish I learned it sooner. 

If I had I wouldn’t have spent two years hosting free monthly goal setting events… which (if I’m being really honest) weren’t free. 

They were costing me money. 

I would pay for the space, I bought donuts and fruit for the women to snack on. 

I spent an hour running around getting snacks and going to the rented coworking space. It was a half hour from my house, but the most affordable place I could find. 

I was able to serve others, which warmed my soul (plus I made some of my best friends in the process) but in the back of my mind I knew there had to be a better way. 

So what’s this thing I learned that changed it all around for me and my budding business? 

Selling is a good thing.

Just let that sink in…

… selling is good!

Every time I host a live Q&A for the students in my signature course ‘Sold Out Vision Board Parties’, I  always get questions about putting a price on what you do.

“Can I really charge for my event?”

“How much can I charge?”

“Am I ready to charge?”

I’m here to tell you: You can, and you most definitely SHOULD.

I want to call out the stigma surrounding charging for something you put out into this world, and shine a big old light in its face.

Whether you’re a newbie pricing your first event, or a seasoned pro looking to raise your rates, here are my top 3 reasons why putting a price tag on what you do is a good thing.

Four Reason Charging Money for Your Vision Board Workshops Works


If you invest money into something, you are investing yourself into it as well. 

People who pay for an event are the ones who really WANT it, enough to open their purse, break out the credit card and tap in their details.

These same people will be the ones who show up on time, pen in hand, listen to what is said, and do the work.

Why? Because they want the results, and they’re invested. 

THAT’S who you want to serve.

You don’t want to serve people with no skin in the game. 

The psychology when signing up for a free event is totally different. There’s no commitment, no obligation to attend–they’ve got one foot out the door and the event hasn’t even started yet.

I once gave out a few complimentary tickets (like scholarships) for a vision board workshop to people who I knew couldn’t afford the price tag, but I thought would benefit from it.

They didn’t even show up. 

When someone lays down their hard-earned cash, they are making a commitment to you and your event.

This makes a HUGE difference to how people show up.

By charging, you’re weeding out the no-shows, the latecomers and those buried in Facebook timelines on their phones, instead jam-packing your event with people who are truly invested. 


Fear is a major reason that stops many people in their tracks when putting themselves out there and a price tag on what they’re delivering. 

Essentially, by charging money for something, you’re saying:

“Hey, I created a thing, do you agree it’s worth cold, hard cash?”

You worry whether you’ll get a ‘heck yes, sign me up’ or ‘girl, you crazy’!

The reality is we need to value what we put out there, the time and effort involved in creating our thing, and, most importantly, we need to value OURSELVES.

You’ve put everything into creating the perfect event. You swear your hairs got grayer in the event planning alone and there might be wrinkles where it was smooth sailing before.

Whether you charge for your event or offer it for free makes no difference to the workload involved.

You did the work, you’re going to change lives, so charge for it. 


Subscriptions like Netflix can do a 30-day free trial because it’s a taster to draw you into their world and entice you to stay there.

But your event is a one-off, and no one is going to expect a full transformation or a phenomenal experience if it’s free.

People don’t value or respect ‘free’, and expectations are low. 

“I might have a good time, learn something, meet people. But even if I don’t, it’s free and I can duck out early.”

Half won’t show up because they believe your event won’t be valuable to them precisely because YOU showed them it wasn't valuable by not charging.

But let’s say you charge $100 for a ticket.

Whoever pays that $100 has expectations. They know there’s about to be a transformation and ‘expect’ to be leaving with those life-changing tools.


People take you seriously when you charge, because you’re taking YOURSELF seriously, and they know it.

You’ve done the work, you’re going to show up as the professional that you are, and your audience will walk away with the transformation they came for.

The people who want to be there will be there, and respect you and your event with their full undivided attention.

Value what you do and don’t be scared to sell this amazing event you put your heart and soul into.

You’re 100% worth it.

Drop a comment below: What scares you most about charging for people to attend your event?

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

CLICK to visit our store to get your copy of our Vision Board Starter Kit or the Mini Guide + Planner today!!!

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About the author

Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win.

Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!


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