Fun Activity for your Vision Board - Plan a Vacation!

Ah…a vacation.  That dreamy period of time off work or off from school that is devoted to rest and relaxation. Or maybe your idea of a good time is exploring every inch of a new city.  Or hiking some great mountain trails. While for some it may involve travel to a destination away from one's home, others look forward to a staycation exploring the local beaches…or even just the comfort of a backyard.

Studies show that vacations can improve family relationships. They can also increase happiness. In addition, they can lead to more creativity and higher productivity.  So try to take one soon.  And if you need help planning a great one, read on!

Make a Bucket List 

It's a good idea to make a bucket list to keep track of all your travel ideas. There are different ways to do this, including an online journal or using a notebook or app. You could even get creative and use a special map that you can pin your destinations to.

Try to be realistic and include things that are achievable for you. This might be a trip to Europe, a beach vacation or trekking through the jungle. Make sure you can actually afford the experience as well.

It is also a good idea to start planning for the trip as soon as possible, so you have time to save money and prepare. It's best to avoid last minute expenses that can add up quickly. It may help to get a friend to check on your home or apartment while you are away. This can help prevent crime and ensure that your home is in a safe condition.

Create a Theme

·       Are you a property host?

When you want to create a truly immersive vacation experience for your at-home travelers (aka your rental property), you need to have the right theme. A good theme will bring everything together, from the way your property is decorated to the type of meals you serve. You can hire a muralist to paint a sky or floor that goes with your theme, and you can also use one-of-a-kind decorations to help your rental stand out from the competition.

·      For those planning a getaway

If you're traveling with kids, it can be fun to set up a role play area. Use cardboard and recycled materials to help children recreate airplanes, trains, or boats. You can also add books that have pictures of these modes of transport or offer educational travel and tourism flash cards. Make sure to have a few activities that focus on science, art, or languages as well. This is a great opportunity to get your children excited about learning new things.

Create a Family Vision Board 

The art of vision boards is a simple yet profoundly unifying activity for families. It redefines a family’s future by turning dreams into shared goals and aspirations.

Begin the process by allowing each family member to select their own personal goals and add them to a board. Then, discuss as a group and decide on what common themes should be included in the final family vision board. These common goals could be anything from travel to self-care to education.

Next, allow each family member to collect images, quotes, and words from magazines that resonate with their goals. Then, arrange and glue them on the board to create the visual components of the family’s vision. Lastly, display the vision board where everyone can see it daily and be inspired by its contents. This is the most important step. It encourages daily, focused intention to make those goals a reality through the Law of Attraction. It also provides a reminder of the family’s shared values and priorities.

Solo-Traveler Vision Board

You are the captain of your future adventure.  Like with the family vision board, suggest you start with collecting images, quotes, and words from magazines that resonate with your desired destination(s). Then, arrange and glue them on the board to create the visual vision.  One time I snapped some pics of me in outfits I was ready to run around in while acting like a tourist!  Don’t forget to display the vision board in your favorite place and where you can see it often.

Create a Travel Map 

The perfect vacation takes a surprising amount of time, planning and effort to make a reality. The process may differ from person to person but the general goals are similar – whether you’re after adventure, romance or relaxation.

To start, imagine the type of vacation you want and use online research to better understand which destinations fit that vision. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, create a pros and cons list for each and make a decision.

Once you’ve settled on a destination, create a travel map and start adding pins to the places you wish to visit. You can also group different locations into distinct categories to keep the map organized. For example, you could include restaurants, museums and architectural sites in separate categories to help you stay focused on your goals. You can even add custom notes to help you remember which friends recommended a certain tour or what time the sun sets in your chosen city.

That’s about it. Try any or all of the ideas above.  Let your imagination run wild and enjoy the reward of a great vacation.


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